Post #3 Independent Scratching, Cue points, and Tempo

Sorry to disappoint, but unfortunately there will be no video this week, at least not yet. This weekend I continued fooling around with scratching but instead of a hip-hop instrumental, I practiced this skill on a pop song. I have never heard anyone scratch over a pop song, at least a non-remixed one, but it sounded surprisingly good. I am realizing that I will (hopefully today) need to at least record the audio so that you will be able to judge for yourself, and not simply take my word for it. Additionally to scratching, I integrated the use of cue points in a song which are essentially a selected point in a song that you can switch to instantaneously. But to successfully use cue points, you must also have timing down. Lastly, I practiced playing with the tempo. In the particular song I used, I used an increased tempo because I found it a little slow. The video will be up tonight displaying the skills stated above.


  1. This sounds really good! It looks like you have really gotten better at DJing since the beginning of this project. Based on your video, I agree with you, scratching over a pop song creates a really cool sound. I think you did a pretty good job of using the cue points to give the song a new feel, as well as speeding up the tempo. On the topic of the tempo, have you ever heard a DJ change the tempo throughout the song, like speeding it up for a verse and then slowing it down for the chorus? I don't know if that would sound weird, but it might be another way to utilize the tempo changer while mixing.


About Me

My partner and I have always been interested in DJing as a hobby, but in order to accomplish this task we must first obtain all the required software and equipment to do so. However, simply buying equipment and becoming DJs is easier said than done, therefore we must break down the DJing process into manageable, and achievable steps to become a DJ. The phases we have broken the process down to is learning how to use the equipment and software, control the volume, transitioning from one song to the next, understanding the audience, and appropriately using effects. At the end of the process we will display the DJing skills we have acquired through our extensive research and practice by performing a one to two minute live mix.

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