Regarding our presentation I would give us a 28/30 points. Firstly, there were several of which were simply incredible presentations, Eric Huang and Chloe Becker's come to mind, which would obviously deserve a perfect score on their TED talk. More specifically to us, where we lost a point I feel may have been in the presenting itself. It felt a little repetitive, we stuttered a bit, and relied on our notecards where I would say almost half of the other presenters did use note cards at all. Where we also may have lost a point or two it in our process and content because we didn't include very much of it at all, but rather gave an overall picture of how we learned using examples how late we stayed up DJing, and practicing for at least an hour everyday, and the only specific skill we really explained was scratching. While our actual mix did include looping, tempo changing, a mastery of volume and EQ levels, crossfading, BPM matching, proper usage of effects, and again, obviously scratching, we only really explained the process of one of these.
Now for our passion, I feel that was clearly evident throughout the presentation. No one stays up until 2 or even 4AM doing something, unless they genuinely love to do it, or its homework due the next day. Additionally, during the presenting of our actual final product, we simply went crazy. We brought our hats and sunglasses to look like tools which brought in a little comedy but I felt our passion about what we were doing could not have been more obvious. We were DJing, playing amazing music, being as hype as we possibly could in school, and at the end of the day, it did show off what we have learned in the past 7 weeks. So here is my overall break down:
Visual Component/Delivery: 5.5/6 (stuttering, relied on notecards)
Final Product: 6/6 (Amazing, displayed acquired skills)
Process: 5.5/6 (Only explained on skill specifically, used stories to describe overall process)
Content: 5/6 (Same reasons as process)
Passion: 6/6 (You must be blind to have missed it)
Overall: 28/30
Again, while this may not have been my best presentation, it was certainly the most fun and enjoyable. For the first time ever, I was not at all nervous for a presentation, because it was doing something I loved with someone who I loved (as a bro of course). Thank you again for assigning this project as it could not have been a better opportunity.
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